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Leaning Into Literacy

Rethink Your Literacy Beliefs and Gain Tangible Strategies to Start Using Now!

Students enrolled in this course will explore a deep-dive into the world of literacy including redefining the term itself, exploring the various modes of literacy, and diving into classroom practices.

The modules are set up to take learners through a process of understanding and doing so that, by the end, they are ready to create meaningful literacy experiences for their students.  Course materials will cover both theory and practice, providing the understandings of key concepts and real examples from literacy classrooms. 

This course is designed for K-12 teachers and instructors, coaches, department chairs, and evaluators/leaders who are looking to improve or enhance students' literacy experience.

Topics covered include:

  • Teaching to grade-level
  • Content literacy and discipline-specific literacy
  • Learning to write; writing to learn
  • Visual literacy
  • Verbal literacy
  • Multimodal literacy instruction and development
  • Close reading
  • Assessments

At a Glance











Course Objectives

Understand what literacy is in the 21st century, how that impacts our classrooms, and learn strategies to support and assess students literacy learning.
Be able to design literacy instruction and supports for your classroom and for your students.
Be able to design appropriate assessments to empower students to demonstrate their literacy learnings.

About Your Instructor

 An energetic teacher, presenter, and leader, Dr. Christopher Bronke brings a wealth of research, classroom, and leadership experience to professional learning while empowering participants to reflect deeply upon their own practice to facilitate growth and collaboration. As a practicing English teacher and department chair at Downers Grove North in Illinois, Bronke is incredibly passionate about supporting others in their learning.

After 19 years in education, Bronke has held numerous teacher leadership positions at the national level including a seat on both the Carnegie Foundation Teacher Advisory Panel and the  Teacher Advisory Council for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,  currently serving as the Past Chair for the Conference on English Leadership, and recently finishing his term serving on the Executive Committee for the National Council of Teachers of English. Bronke holds master’s degrees in Teaching and Learning, Educational Leadership, an EdS in Educational Leadership,  and an EdD from Northern Illinois University in the field of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with a dissertation focus on standards-based learning/assessing.

Bronke designs and delivers presentations on assessment theory and design, standards-based instruction, Universal Design for Learning, Deeper Learning, ELA curriculum design, intentional integration of Social Emotional Learning into classrooms and across schools, collaborative leadership, teacher leadership, and blogging to empower teacher voice and change.  A champion of teacher voice, Christopher has been on the Executive Planning Committee for three Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers and Teaching (ECET2) national convenings as well as the planning lead for two ECET2 regional events in Chicago. His work has been featured in The Atlantic, Teaching Channel, the Chicago Sun-Times, Language Arts Journal of Michigan, Let’s Recap and more.  Additionally, his work has been highlighted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, on EduTalk Radio, at the Conference on English Leadership, and by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).​


What to Expect

How the Course Works

  • Each module begins with a short video to orient you to the topic and lesson. 
  • As you navigate through the course, each module features key lessons accompanied by opportunities to dive deeper into the content by reviewing readings and resources. 
  • At the end of each module, students will have a chance to assess their learning. Assessments can be taken as many times as needed.
  • Throughout the course, you'll have the option to post to the course community discussion board and publicly reflect on your learning.
  • A final project, optional for all, a requirement for graduate credit
  • Receive your completion certificate for 30 continuing education hours at the end of the course. 
  • Runs on the Thinkific platform. 


There are no prerequisites or required texts for this course.  All materials are linked freely within the modules. 


Pricing Options

Our standard and group pricing covers your course registration with Novak Educational Consulting, Inc. only. You may also choose to purchase graduate credits and/or clock hours (for Washington State teachers) at the time of registration. For questions regarding pricing or to request a purchase order, contact us.

Course Certificates & Transcripts

You will receive a completion certificate from Novak Education at the conclusion of the course. Please check in with your school or district to determine if this alone will be sufficient for salary points or advancement. Some states require additional proof of completion such as clock hours, contact hours, or credits. Graduate credits (3 continuing education credits) may be obtained through our accredited university partners. Register for the final project for 3 graduate-level credits plus a certificate for 15 additional hours: