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UDL Playbook

for School and District Leaders

Redefine school leadership with UDL principles to inspire, support, and achieve equity for all.

In this self-directed course, UDL Playbook for School and District Leaders, Katie Novak and Michael Woodlock lay out a step-by-step process to remake your leadership skills and methods through the inclusive principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Creating multi-tiered systems of support, delivering effective and inspiring feedback, embedding the UDL principles throughout your culture and curriculum—these are just some of the topics covered by two veteran leaders. This course is modeled off of the book and will provide additional resources, tools, learnings, and options for self-assessment to help you put theory into practice.

Topics covered include:

  • Preparing to be an expert learner
  • The executive function of leadership
  • Creating a UDL foundation
  • Modeling UDL in professional learning
  • Educator Evaluation to Improve Teacher Efficacy
  • Staffing
  • Curriculum
  • Scheduling
  • Supporting MTTS

At a Glance









Course Objectives

Learn how to become a more effective leader by implementing the practices of UDL throughout your leadership practice.
Explore how to build teacher efficacy through evaluation and feedback.

Consider how to create schedules that support UDL implementation.

Pic of Mike and Katie

About Your Instructors

Katie Novak, Ed.D., is an internationally renowned education consultant, author, professor at UPenn, and a former Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Massachusetts. Dr. Novak has more than 19 years of experience in teaching and administration, an earned doctorate in curriculum and teaching, and is the author of 12 published books, including UDL Playbook for School and District Leaders which she co-wrote with Mike Woodlock.

Mike Woodlock is an innovative administrator, consultant, and graduate instructor who embraces change.  As an acting Assistant Superintendent in Tyngsborough, MA, a former principal, and with 25+ years of experience in education, Woodlock has the unique experience of being hired as a high school principal in a district where he was immediately tasked with implementing a strategic plan that required a complete transformation of the education system through the lens of UDL. Having lived with the barriers that come with the implementation of UDL, he offers concrete insights about how to increase staff engagement, transition staffing, and schedules, and implement innovative pilot programs by creating conditions of nurture for all staff while also improving school culture and community. Woodlock has worked with administrators across the country, supporting the implementation of multi-tiered systems of support, inclusive practice, and UDL. 


What to Expect

How the Course Works

  • Start off each module watching a quick (1-5 minute) video introducing each module.
  • Dive deeper into the content. Review readings, podcasts, videos and resources - the key is to self-differentiate. Choose what that works best for you and helps you better understand the content and engage with the lesson.
  • Self-reflect. Take time to reflect on your learnings from the module. You can post to the discussion board, write in a journal, take notes, or re-review your learnings.
  • Take a short assessment at the conclusion of each module to move on and see what you've learned.
  • At the end of the course, you will receive a completion certificate for 30 hours from Novak Education. Please check in with your school or district to determine if this alone will be sufficient for salary points or advancement prior to enrolling. Some states require additional proof of completion such as clock hours, ctle hours, contact hours, or credits.

Pricing Options

Our standard and group pricing covers your course registration with Novak Educational Consulting, Inc. only. The text, UDL Playbook, is not included in the registration fee and will need to be purchased independently. For questions regarding pricing or to request a purchase order, contact us.

Graduate-Level Credits

In addition to the on-demand course, you have the option of putting your learning into practice and completing a final project. The final project will be a tangible assignment you can use in your current position. With successful completion you will receive an additional certificate for 15 hours and 3 graduate-level credits. Please check with your school or district to ensure these will satisfy their requirements prior to enrolling. 

UDL Playbook 1_1
UDL Playbook for School and District Leaders
Katie Novak & Mike Woodlock

A step-by-step process to remake your leadership skills and methods through the inclusive principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Question? We are here to help.

How do I access my course?
Self-directed courses are hosted on Thinkific at novakeducation.thinkific.com. At the time you register for the course, you will receive an invitation to join the course from Thinkific. Make sure to check your spam folder if you don't see it! If you have not received your email or if you are having trouble accessing you course, email education@novakeducation.com and we will email you a link to access the course.
Do you accept POs?

Yes, if you would like to pay via PO please email lon@novakeducation.com to request an invoice. Please make sure to reference the course you would like to take. Payments or POs are due before you will be provided with access to the course. 

Are the graduate credits accredited?

Indeed! You will have the option to receive your transcript from our university partner. Gordon College 

What is the difference between a facilitated and a self-directed course?

A facilitated course is an instructor-led course that takes place with a core group of students over a set period of time. Each week students will complete an assignment and/or participate in a discussion. Students will receive feedback along the way from the subject matter expert facilitator on how to improve the practical application of their learning. Additionally, students will engage with other students in the course - offering the opportunity to connect with varying levels of educators from around the world. 

With a flex-paced, or self-directed course, there is no strict schedule or timeline to follow. You can take the course as quickly or as leisurely as you like based on your schedule. All of the course materials are available at your fingertips from the time of purchase. In order to receive a certificate for the course, you need to complete the course within one year from the time of registration. 
What do you offer for certification/options to meet educator professional learning requirements

We are focused on helping educators take their learning to the next step. We offer options for graduate credits, continuing education hours, CTLE (NY), Clock Hours (WA). When scheduling professional learning services, we will discuss what works best for meeting the needs of your educators. 

Can I receive graduate credits for the course?

Absolutely! You can add on graduate credits during the registration process. If you have already enrolled and would like to add on credits, please contact us.

Are you a CTLE approved sponsor?

Yes, we are a CTLE-approved sponsor! Once you complete the course, email this form with section 1 completed to education@novakeducation.com. Upon receipt and confirmation of course completion, you will receive a completed form for your records within 1-3 business days. 

Do you offer options for our team to facilitate one of your courses?

Indeed! You can run a Novak Education course in your school or district with an in-house facilitator to build your internal capacity. We will provide everything you need to load the course into your own Canvas instance or your Free-for-Teacher account, or give you the content to build the course in a different LMS. Contact lindie@novakeducation.com for pricing and to learn more. 

Do you offer Washington Clock Hours?

Yes! We offer clock hours through a partnership with ESD 112. There is an additional standard fee of $3/credit that is paid directly through PDEnroller. More details on how to submit the course for clock hours can be found under the clock hours section of the course welcome module.