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The Education Table Podcast

Episode 5 - Building a more student-led classroom

In this episode of The Education Table with Katie Novak, we’ll discuss the concept of building a more student-led classroom and share strategies for implementing this approach. The research and positive impact are clear, and we’re laying it all out on the table, including a story about how Katie transitioned her morning routine from a madhouse to a kid-led cafe. 

This episode is for teachers looking to find balance while students experience more responsibility, success, and engagement. It will also benefit those who want to empower students to take charge of their own learning, foster accountability, and help prepare them with future-ready skills (all while sipping coffee while it’s still hot!).

Stay tuned for future episodes as we share effective strategies for creating student-led classrooms with UDL and blended learning. Join the movement. Transform education. Hit play on The Education Table.

Building a More Student-Led Classroom



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Episode 5


Additional learning options:

Additional Resources to Explore:

  • National Education Association. (2021). The Benefits of Student-Led Learning.
  • Lee, E., & Hannafin, M. (2016). Student Agency in Learning. Journal of Educational Research.
  • American Institutes for Research. (2019). Effectiveness of Student-Led Instructional Strategies.

The Education Table

In The Education Table, Katie Novak offers insights into inclusive and innovative education, all in 10 minutes or less. Each episode will provoke thought, inspire action, and drive change, offering the tools necessary to transform educational experiences for every learner.

Join the Movement. Listen & Subscribe Now!

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