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The Education Table Podcast

Episode 12 - How is MTSS Different from RTI?

In this Episode of The Education Table with Katie Novak, we’ll tackle the question, what is the difference between Multi-Tiered System of Supports and Response to Intervention or most commonly known as MTSS vs. RTI? These two frameworks are so often used interchangeably, but their distinct differences are important to understand. In this episode, Katie will share insights into each approach and discuss how they impact teaching and learning. 

This episode is best for educators looking to make system-wide shifts. You’ll walk away with concrete strategies for fostering MTSS, such as integrating academic, behavioral, and social-emotional supports, implementing data systems, and promoting collective efficacy and shared responsibility.

How is MTSS Different from RTI?



Additional Resources to Explore:



  1. Novak, K. (2019). MTSS vs RTI: What is the Difference? Retrieved from Katie Novak’s Blog.
  2. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. (2020). MTSS Blueprint.

The Education Table

In The Education Table, Katie Novak offers insights into inclusive and innovative education, all in 10 minutes or less. Each episode will provoke thought, inspire action, and drive change, offering the tools necessary to transform educational experiences for every learner.

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