In today's dynamic educational landscape, informed decisions are key. Conducting a needs assessment is your first step toward creating a thriving, inclusive, and equitable educational environment.
Through observations, interviews, and meticulous review and analysis, we will uncover the underlying causes of issues affecting your school or district. Our recommendations are precisely tailored to address these challenges at their root, ensuring lasting change.
A needs assessment equips you with a crystal-clear view of your educational landscape. Through detailed observations, interviews, document review, and data analysis, we identify root causes of challenges and provide targeted solutions.
With a thorough understanding of your school or district's culture, resources, and constraints, a needs assessment offers in-depth insights that go beyond surface-level recommendations and gives you the power to make transformative and lasting change.
We gain a deep understanding of your district or school's specific strengths, challenges, and contextual factors. This ensures that our recommendations are realistic, achievable, and perfectly suited to your unique environment.
Your needs assessment will include the below components and several days with your consultant "in residency" (i.e. on site) to help better assess your systems and needs. The number of days spent in your school or district will largely be dependent on your size.
We will conduct an in depth review of documents such as strategic plans, improvement plans, master schedules, instructional materials, and more.
As part of our analysis, we will review educator evaluations, attendance records, discipline data, graduation rates, honors and AP enrollment, survey data, and more. This data will be assessed based on student groups by race, multilingual learner status, eligibility for free and reduced lunch, and the presence of an IEP or 504 plan.
To learn what is behind the documents and data, we aim to conduct focus groups or interviews with key stakeholder groups such as students, staff, parents, and leaders.
We will conduct classroom observations with a focus on ten key areas to understand the implementation of inclusive, equitable and supportive learning environments for all students.
We will share a draft report for fact-checking and feedback before finalizing the document based on received input.
This process will culminate in a 1-hr virtual presentation of findings with your group of choice.
Interested in conducting an MTSS needs assessment, landscape analysis, or equity audit? Contact us to learn more and get a quote.
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