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Mike Woodlock
Educational Consultant

Mike Woodlock is an innovative administrator, consultant, and graduate instructor who embraces change. Woodlock is an acting Assistant Superintendent in Tyngsborough, MA, a former principal, and has 25+ years of experience in education. Woodlock has the unique experience of being hired as a high school principal in a district where he was immediately tasked with implementing a strategic plan that required a complete transformation of the education system through the lens of UDL. Having lived with the barriers that come with the implementation of UDL, he offers concrete insights about how to increase staff engagement, transition staffing and schedules, and implement innovative pilot programs by creating conditions of nurture for all staff while also improving school culture and community. Woodlock has worked with administrators across the country, supporting the implementation of multi-tiered systems of support, inclusive practice, and UDL. As a graduate instructor, Woodlock has been working with the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) as a part of the statewide Inclusive Practice Project (IPP), a project which helped to significantly improve the state’s inclusion rates. His work with UDL was highlighted in a publication by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, Principal Leadership.