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Empowering Multilingual Learners

UDL & Linguistically Responsive Practices for Inclusive Education

Turn language barriers into bridges: Master the secrets to inclusive classrooms for multilingual learners.

Multilingual learners bring a richness of experience and diversity to our classrooms, but they also have unique support needs. In this course, you will delve into the intricacies of Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching (CLRT) and UDL, learning how to provide multiple pathways for engagement, representation, and expression to meet the varied language proficiencies of your students. You will explore practical strategies for integrating linguistically responsive practices into your teaching, ensuring that every learner, regardless of language background, can access and succeed in the curriculum.

Whether you have a strong background in UDL or are unsure of where exactly you are in your implementation of UDL, this course meets you where you are and is your gateway to mastering Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and linguistically responsive practices, tailored specifically to meet the diverse needs of multilingual learners. Discover how to unlock the full potential of your students by embracing their linguistic and cultural backgrounds as assets, not obstacles. Through a dynamic blend of theory, hands-on activities, and real-world examples, you will gain the tools and confidence to create truly inclusive learning environments where all students feel valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Click the link below to schedule a personalized, facilitated online course for your team or district.

At a Glance













Course Objectives

Develop a comprehensive understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles and their application in supporting multilingual learners.

Explore the unique support needs of multilingual learners in the context of the Culturally and Linguistically Responsive (CRLT) framework and gain practical strategies for integrating linguistically responsive practices into instructional planning and delivery, fostering a culturally inclusive classroom environment where language diversity is celebrated and leveraged for learning.
Acquire the skills to design and implement inclusive learning experiences that address the linguistic and cultural assets of multilingual learners, enabling them to access and demonstrate their understanding of academic content while promoting equity and maximizing learning outcomes for all students.

What to Expect


  • Eight online learning modules containing videos, resources, and weekly assignments and/or discussions.
  • The option of four synchronous sessions, each one hour. All sessions will be recorded and shared for asynchronous viewing. Live attendance is not required but recommended.
  • Direct interaction and feedback from your instructor and the opportunity to build community with your classmates through course discussion boards.
  • Lots of options and choices - UDL is at the foundation of everything we do.
  • Participants will be expected to pass in work by the due date, but will also be given the opportunity to revise and improve upon their work (just as students in their class should be given the same respect using the UDL framework). 
  • All assignments can be resubmitted for feedback and grading up until the last day of the course.

Pricing Options

The fee listed above covers your course registration with Novak Educational Consulting. You may also choose to purchase graduate credits or clock hours (for Washington State teachers) at the time of registration. Bulk discounts are available on registration fees for groups of 3 or more. 

Course Certificates & Transcripts

As long as you receive a grade of C or better, you will receive a completion certificate from Novak Education at the conclusion of the course.

Graduate level professional development credits may be obtained through our university partner. 

Please check in with your school or district to determine what is required for salary points or advancement. Some states require additional proof of completion such as clock hours, contact hours, or credits.