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Elevating educational design with AI book cover - tucker and novak

Elevating Educational Design with AI

Making Learning Accessible, Inclusive, and Equitable

A guide for educators who want to use technology to activate engagement, give students agency over their learning, and streamline workflows.

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SEL Icon Blue-1Streamline workflows, personalize learning experiences, and support student learning and well-being.


Leverage AI to enhance, not replace, your role as an educator.

Design 3@3x

Design lessons that are accessible to all learners, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.

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Elevating Educational Design with AI Professional Development Session

We don’t want AI to replace the human element of education; we want AI to elevate it! This session will explore how educators can leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create more engaging, inclusive, and effective learning experiences. By combining the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with AI, educators can personalize learning experiences, streamline workflows, and support student learning and well-being.

By the end of this session, participants will have a solid understanding of how to leverage AI to enhance their teaching practice and create more engaging and effective learning experiences for all students and will walk away with proven strategies and tactics to start implementing right after the session!

Contact us for more details and to lock in your session!