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Building Success with MTSS

Take Action to Transform Systems and Improve the Outcomes of Learners


How This Course Works

This course will allow you to take practical steps toward building your MTSS. Collaborating with other leaders and stakeholders in this process will help move things along, but we also recognize that we work with districts both big and small, so if you wear many hats and need to go it alone, we are here to support you! Enrollment includes up to 10 spots for you and your team. 

An Example of an MTSS Team Includes:

  • Superintendent or Deputy/Asst Superintendent
  • Teaching and Learning Central Office Administrator (i.e, Director of Curriculum)
  • Special Education Central Office Administrator
  • Educators (building leaders, teacher leaders, instructional coaches). 

"We cannot “intervention” our way out of a weak Tier 1 foundation."

- Katie Novak, EdD

A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is essential to building an inclusive and equitable school system. A strong MTSS requires us to consider how we lead, share responsibility, collaborate, build community, provide professional learning, choose high-quality curriculum, allocate resources, and more. It also requires us to provide an accessible Tier 1 education for all learners. Simply put, we cannot “intervention” our way out of a weak Tier 1 foundation. 

Through this course, we will explore what MTSS is and explore concrete action steps that can transform systems that do not serve our educators or our learners. We will explore how to create a vision and theory of action to drive MTSS, and dive into scheduling, professional learning, tiered interventions, and data-based decision making as means for improving the outcomes of our learners.

Space is limited! To provide an optimal learning experience, enrollment is limited to 15 teams. Register now to secure your team's spot in this year's course led by Katie Novak, Ed.D.

At a Glance












$5000 PER TEAM



Course Objectives

Dive into the system drivers that build multi-tiered systems of support and examine current systems to determine what components of an MTSS are in place and what is not yet in place.
Create visions, theories of action and planning models to support both student and educator learning.

Unpack current systems and learn best practices for becoming more equitable and inclusive in our learning environments.

Person on a laptop


All work in this course will be asynchronous plus each team will receive a 1-hr live consulting session with Dr. Katie Novak at a time of their choosing (may be split into two 30-minute sessions).

Headshot of Katie Novak

About Your Instructor

Katie Novak, Ed.D.

Katie Novak, Ed.D. is an internationally renowned education consultant, author, host of The Education Table podcast, graduate instructor at the University of Pennsylvania, and a former Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Massachusetts. With more than 20 years of experience in teaching and administration, an earned doctorate in curriculum and teaching, and sixteen published books, including In Support of Students, A Leader's Guide to Equitable MTSS. Katie designs and presents workshops both nationally and internationally focusing on the implementation of inclusive practices, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), and universally designed leadership. Novak’s work has impacted educators worldwide as her contributions and collaborations have built upon the foundation for an educational framework that is critical for student success.


What to Expect

About the Course

  • Eight online learning modules containing videos, resources, and monthly assignments and/or discussions.
  • Direct interaction and feedback from your instructor and the opportunity to build community with your classmates through course discussion boards and synchronous sessions.
  • 1-hr live consulting session for your team with Dr. Katie Novak. 
  • This course requires teams to be engaged and prepared for each and every assignment.  The course will be offered online yet teams and individuals will have the opportunity to communicate with fellow participants and the instructor through Canvas discussion boards as well as through monthly synchronous sessions. Teams will be expected to collaborate on projects - only one project per team will be reviewed and graded. Teams will be expected to pass in work by the due date, but will also be given the opportunity to revise and improve upon their work (just as students in their class should be given the same respect using the UDL framework). 
  • Lots of options and choices - UDL is at the foundation of everything we do.

Pricing Options

The fee listed above covers course registration for your team with Novak Educational Consulting, Inc. only. Individuals on teams may also choose to purchase graduate-level credits or clock hours (for Washington State teachers) at the time of registration. Please contact us for details.

Course Certificates & Transcripts

If you receive a grade of C or better, you will receive a completion certificate from Novak Education at the conclusion of the course. Some states require additional proof of completion such as clock hours, contact hours, or credits. Graduate level professional development credits (3) may be obtained for an additional fee at the time of registration. Prior to registering for graduate-level professional development credits, please seek approval for salary advancement with your school or district. 

In Support of Students Book Cover
In Support of Students: A Leader's Guide to Equitable MTSS
Katie Novak, Kristan Rodriguez
 A comprehensive and insightful guide for how to create evidence-based and equitable multi-tiered systems (MTSS). In the book, you’ll find the practical tips and tools you need to support the implementation and redesign of systems that meet the needs of all learners.