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Dr. Angela Burke
Associate Education Consultant

Dr. Burke has over twenty years of experience as an educator, working in a variety of school structures including; charter, inter-district magnet, pilot, and public, as well as a charter management organization. Her classroom experience spans from Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. She has served in various leadership roles in and out of the classroom. Her most recent experiences have been as Assistant Superintendent/Chief Academic Officer and Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Technology. She is level one and two certified in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and holds certificates of completion in both DEI and Digital Leadership from Cornell University.


She is passionate about equity, inclusion and belonging, especially as it relates to her doctoral dissertation topic of cultural competency in the classroom, where she conducted research on educators being culturally responsive in their practice. She is well-versed in creating systems and structures that manage the dynamics of diversity in an educational setting.